“Large Language Models Playing Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium Games,” A. Silva, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization (Netgcoop), Lille, France, October 9-11, 2024.
“Aggregation Methods and Comparative Study in Time-to-Event Analysis Models,” C. Fernandez, C.S. Chen, P. Gaillard, A. Silva, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, September 25, 2024.
“Predicting Network Hardware Faults through Layered Treatment of Alarms Logs,” A. Massaro, D. Kostadinov, A. Silva, A. Obeid Guzman, A. Aghasaryan, Entropy, vol. 25, issue 6, pp. 917, 2023.
“Experimental Comparison of Semi-parametric, Parametric, and Machine Learning Methods for Time-to-Event Analysis Through the IPEC Score,” C. Fernandez, C.S. Chen, P. Gaillard, A. Silva, Proc. of the 52èmes Journées de Statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS), Nice, France, June 7-11, 2021.
“Experimental Comparison of Semi-parametric, Parametric, and Machine Learning Models for Time-to-Event Analysis Through the Concordance Index,” C. Fernandez, C.S. Chen, P. Gaillard, A. Silva, Proc. of the 52èmes Journées de Statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS), Nice, France, May 25-29, 2020.
“Path Planning Problems with Side Observations — When Colonels Play Hide-and-Seek,” D.Q. Vu, P. Loiseau, A. Silva, L. Tran-Thanh, Proc of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York, NY, USA, February 7-12, 2020.
“Combinatorial Bandits for Sequential Learning in Colonel Blotto Games,” D.Q. Vu, P. Loiseau, A. Silva, Proc. of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, December 11-13, 2019.
“Efficient Computation of Approximate Equilibria in Discrete Colonel Blotto Games,” D.Q. Vu, P. Loiseau, A. Silva, Proc. of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI), Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-19, 2018.
“A Simple and Efficient Algorithm to Compute Epsilon-Equilibria of Discrete Colonel Blotto Games,” D.Q. Vu, P. Loiseau, A. Silva, Proc. of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Stockholm, Sweden, July 11-13, 2018. (Poster with extended abstract) Note: The IJCAI version above supersedes this extended abstract.
“Optimal Control of Storage Regeneration with Repair Codes,” F. De Pellegrini, R. El-Azouzi, A. Silva, O. Hassani, Proc. of the International Workshop on the Future of Cloud Computing and Cloud Services (FutureCloud), Hong Kong, China, December 11-14, 2017.
“Novel Market Approach for Locally Balancing Renewable Energy Production and Flexible Demand,” J. Horta, D. Kofman, D. Menga, A. Silva, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Dresden, Germany, October 23-26, 2017. Best Paper Award.
“Evolution of Social Power for Opinion Dynamics Networks,” S. Iglesias Rey, P. Reyes, A. Silva, Proc. of the 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, USA, October 4-6, 2017.
“Advertising Competitions in Social Networks,” A.M. Masucci, A. Silva, Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, WA, USA, May 24-26, 2017.
“Green Base Station Placement for Microwave Backhaul Links,” A. Silva, A.M. Masucci, Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet), Casablanca, Morocco, May 9-12, 2017. Best Paper Award.
“Opinion Manipulation in Social Networks,” A. Silva, Proc. of the International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization (NETGCOOP), Avignon, France, November 23-25, 2016.
“Go-Index: Applying Supply Networks Principles as Internet Robustness Metrics,” I. Bachmann, F. Morales, A. Silva, J. Bustos-Jiménez, Proc. of the International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization (NETGCOOP), Avignon, France, November 23-25, 2016.
“On the Throughput-Delay Trade-off in Georouting Networks,” P. Jacquet, S. Malik, B. Mans, A. Silva, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 3230–3242, June 2016,\ ISSN: 0018-9448, DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2016.2519419.
“Defensive Resource Allocation in Social Networks,” A.M. Masucci, A. Silva, Proc. of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015.
“Miuz: Measuring the Impact of Disconnecting a Node,” I. Bachmann, P. Reyes, A. Silva, J. Bustos-Jiménez, Proc. of the 34th SCCC 2015, Santiago, Chile, November 9-13, 2015.
“Strategic Resource Allocation for Competitive Influence in Social Networks,” A.M. Masucci, A. Silva, Proc. of the 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, USA, October 1-3, 2014.
“Maximum Coverage and Maximum Connected Covering in Social Networks with Partial Topology Information,” P. Reyes, A. Silva, Proc. of the 6th IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom), Toronto, Canada, April 27- May 2, 2014.
“Information Spreading on Almost Torus Networks,” A.M. Masucci, A. Silva, Proc. of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Florence, Italy, December 10-13, 2013.
“Optimal Mobile Association on Hybrid Networks: Centralized and Decentralized Case,” A. Silva, T. Hamidou, E. Altman, M. Debbah, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 58, Issue 8, Pages 2018-2031, August 2013, ISSN: 0018-9286, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2013.2250072.
“A Multi-Layer Market for Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Trading in the Smart Grid,” A.Y.S. Lam, L. Huang, A. Silva, W. Saad. Proc. of the 1st IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Green Networking and Smart Grids (CCSES), Orlando, FL, USA, March 25-30, 2012.
“On the Throughput-Delay Trade-off in Georouting Networks,” P. Jacquet, S. Malik, B. Mans, A. Silva. Proc. of the 31st IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, FL, USA, March 25-30, 2012.
“On the Spectral Gap of Random Geometric Graphs and Their Mobility Properties,” A. Silva, G. Tucci. Proc. of the The 7th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2011. Second Best Paper Award.
“Optimal base station placement based on interference gradient: the downlink case,” S. Malik, A. Silva, J-M. Kelif. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools) 2011, Cachan, France, May 16-20, 2011.
“Spatial games combining base station placement and mobile association: the downlink case,” A. Silva, H. Tembine, E. Altman, M. Debbah. Proc. of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, USA, December 15-17, 2010.
“Uplink Spatial Games on Cellular Networks,” A. Silva, H. Tembine, M. Debbah, E. Altman. Proc. of the 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, USA, Sep. 29-Oct. 1, 2010.
“Continuum Equilibria and Global Optimization for Routing in Dense Static Ad Hoc Networks,” A. Silva, E. Altman, P. Bernhard, M. Debbah. Computer Networks, Volume 54, Issue 6, Pages 1005-1018, April 2010, ISSN: 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2009.10.019.
“Magnetworks: how mobility impacts the design of mobile networks.” A. Silva, E. Altman, M. Debbah, G. Alfano. Proc. of the 29th IEEE INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, USA, March 15-19, 2010.
“Congestion in Randomly Deployed Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks,” A. Silva, P. Reyes, M. Debbah. Proc. of International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT), St-Petersburg, Russia, October 12-14, 2009.
“Stochastic Games with One-Step Delay Sharing Information Pattern with Application to Power Control,” E. Altman, V. Kamble, A. Silva. Proc. of Gamenets 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, May 13-15, 2009.
“Numerical Solutions of Continuum Equilibria for Routing in Dense Ad Hoc Networks,” A. Silva, P. Bernhard, E. Altman. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools) 2008, Workshop Inter-Perf, Athens, Greece, October 20-24, 2008.
“The Space Frontier: Physical Limits of Multiple Antenna Information Transfer,” R. Couillet, S. Wagner, M. Debbah, A. Silva. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools) 2008, Workshop Inter-Perf, Athens, Greece, October 20-24, 2008. Best Student Paper Award.
“The Mathematics of Routing in Massively Dense Ad-Hoc Networks,” P. Bernhard, E. Altman, A. Silva. Proc. of AdHoc-NOW Conference, Sophia-Antipolis, France, September 10-13, 2008.
“Continuum Equilibria for Routing in Dense Ad-Hoc Networks,” E. Altman, A. Silva, P. Bernhard, M. Debbah. Proc. of 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, USA, September 26-28, 2007.